One of our favorite resources for teaching mindful breathing to kids.
Breathe Like A Bear. Our favorite new book of sweet mindfulness practices for kids.
Mindfulness Activity Cards
50 Great ideas – wonderful durable cards too. Worth the $.
Fun guided breathing activity and rainbow meditation script.
Go Noodle video for another interactive rainbow breathing practice.
Great Covid-19 Book with wonderful mindfulness practice activities (also Spanish Version).
Art lesson videos in his own studio. So cool to get to draw along with him.
Oprah reading “The Hula-Hoopin Queen” on will delight your socks off.
Using shapes is an easy way to keep track of breaths in and breaths out.
A playful way to teach taking deep breaths.
A great activity to document memories during this time of sheltering at home.
Song: You’re Gonna Be Okay
Great Calming Background Music: Three hours worth of relaxing rain music.
Great instructions and script for simple yoga stretches to practice with kids. Have fun stretching those muscles!